
There are presently no open calls for submissions.

DIYMarketers’ mission is to “Simplify Marketing” – our goal is to help small business owners “make sense of marketing”.  Things that you (as an expert) take for granted are often confusing to our audience.  So, content that explains your area of expertise and breaks it down into actionable details does best.

Think of DIYMarketers as a cross between “Consumer Reports” and “Real Simple Magazine” We are a go-to publication for small business owners who are cash strapped, time strapped and just want the short skippy on where to go and what to do.

On your FIRST submission - please be sure to include the following:

  • Headshot and/or use your email that is linked to a Gravatar. We highly recommend using a Gravatar -
  • Email: Please use the best email to connect with you - or an email linked to your Gravatar
  • SHORT bio: About 2-3 sentences about yourself.  If you're stuck, answer the question "Why should I listen to you"
  • Social Media Links: Please include Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn URLs

This means we want list posts that include links to other content.  

For example:

  • 10 best marketing books - you provide a list of 10 marketing books with links to each book's Amazon page
  • 7 Reasons you need to use influencer marketing -- provide 7 reasons with links to research or credible content for each reason.
  • What 10 email experts said you should do for the holidays -- again - find what 10 experts said and link to those articles.


  • No less than 800 words
  • No links to non-relevant websites such as "printing shops" "essay writing", etc.  Our editorial team reviews all links and will reject any content using DIYMarketers for link-building to sites that are irrelevant to our audience per Google guidelines.


  • Once you submit your article, our editorial team will review it and determine if it is fit for publication.
  • If your article is accepted you will receive a notification email.
  • If your article is rejected, you will receive a notification email.
  • If your article is published, you will receive a notification email with a link to the article.
  • We have a long queue of articles and it can take a while for your article to publish.  Please don't ask WHEN it will publish.  Our editorial team will schedule it at an appropriate time given our editorial calendar.
